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I'm Al Ginina.

I am a Russian actress/model. 

I've been dreaming of becoming an actress since I was 4 y.o. But my wise parents suggested that I would get a degree in more stable area, so I got my MBA in Moscow State University of International Relations and after that got into Russian University of Cinematography, where I discovered exciting world of acting, directing, editing, tears, laughter, sleepless nights, jealousy, pride and that wonderful feeling of belonging... I was lucky to work with amazing young directors and I was incredibly proud when our films were shown in Russian and International festivals. I worked on stage, film and TV and it was time to move on and explore new horizons, so I came to NYC...

I graduated from acting school here, had a lead role in a film that won several awards; music video of a famous Turkish singer; appeared on FOX5 channel. And then somehow I started modeling. As a model I worked with many extremely talented photographers and designers from all over the world. Every time it's a whole new level of excitement and anticipation! 

I know that what ever surprises life has for me, they'll all be only for the best!

Oceans of love to all of you! 

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